This product is likely to be appropriate for a consumer seeking
capital growth or capital preservation to be used as a
major allocation, core component, minor allocation, or satellite/small allocation within a portfolio where the consumer has a
medium or long term investment timeframe,
high, very high, or extremely high risk/return profile and requires
daily, or at issuer's discretion access to capital.
Consumer's investment objective
Capital Growth
In target market
Capital Preservation
Potentially in target market
Capital Guaranteed
Not in target market
Income Distribution
Not in target market
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The Fund aims to deliver a return over the MSCI All Countries World Index (net dividends reinvested) in Australian dollars over the medium to long term by bringing a disciplined investment process to listed global companies impacted by disruption. Typically, the Fund distributes income annually.
Consumer's intended product use
Solution/Standalone - a large allocation (75-100% of portfolio)
Not in target market
Major Allocation - (50-75% of portfolio)
Core Component - a medium allocation (25-50% of portfolio)
Potentially in target market
Minor Allocation - (10-25% of portfolio)
Satellite - a small allocation (<10% of portfolio)
In target market
More Information:
The Fund aims to deliver a return over the MSCI All Countries World Index (net dividends reinvested) in Australian dollars over the medium to long term by bringing a disciplined investment process to listed global companies impacted by disruption.
The portfolio allocation will generally be:
• Global Equities - Minimum of 15 securities, Maximum of 35 securities
• Cash - Minimum 1%, Maximum 50%.
Consumer's investment timeframe
Short (<= 2 years)
Not in target market
Medium (>2 years)
In target market
Long (>8 years)
In target market
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The minimum suggested investment time frame for the Fund is 3 to 5 years.
Consumer's Risk (ability to bear loss) and Return Profile
Low - can tolerate up to 1 period of underperformance over 20 years
Not in target market
Medium - can tolerate up to 4 periods of underperformance over 20 years
Not in target market
High - can tolerate up to 6 periods of underperformance over 20 years
In target market
Very High - can tolerate over 6 periods of underperformance over 20 years
In target market
Extremely High - the investor seeks extremely high risk, speculative or complex products
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The Responsible Entity has assigned the risk level as high.
Consumer's need to withdraw money
In target market
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Typically, investors can withdraw their investment on any Business Day in Melbourne or Sydney. Funds will be available generally within 3 Business Days of receipt of a withdrawal request. If transacting on the Securities Exchange withdrawal proceeds will be available generally within 1 Business Day.