Redemption Form

About this redemption form

You can use this form to request a redemption for an existing investment in Ellerston JAADE Australian Private Assets Fund (Retail).

The Fund is subject to a limit on net withdrawals at 5% of the Underlying Fund's net asset value per Quarter. Please be advised that if there are insufficient funds available to satisfy all withdrawal requests, the Responsible Entity will scale back all valid withdrawal requests on a pro-rata basis.

If there is a scale back, unit holders will only have part of their withdrawal request satisfied. Details of your final withdrawal amount will be confirmed in a withdrawal statement which will be issued along with your withdrawal proceeds.

Continuing an existing redemption form

Please log in to view a list of all your existing redemption forms.


To secure your data and allow you to save and return to your form at any time, you will need to register.

If you have used Olivia123 previously to apply for or redeem from a fund please use your usual details (e.g. your email address and username) to log in.

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If you've started or completed an application with Olivia123 previously

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If you haven't filled in an application form previously, or want to start a new redemption form